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永远的阿尔巴克的个人空间 http://bbs.ipcgta.com/?10078696 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


分享 键盘侠
2017-2-4 10:18
中国的喷子谁都敢骂,上到骂玉皇大帝,下到骂母鸡下蛋。前天,我在QQ看到一则文章:《伟大的日本武士道精神》。本来这篇文章是告诉我们日本武士对国家的忠诚,和为国捐躯的精神,可下面的评论让我大跌眼镜:“管他为什么而死,反正死得好!”“什么?日本人?这篇文章骗人的吧?”“把日本男人*死,再挑漂亮的日本女人给中 ...
个人分类: 键盘侠|124 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 终结者1拍摄趣事
2016-12-10 15:55
斯·亨利克森(Lance Henriksen)曾是扮演终结者的最初人选,编导詹姆斯·卡梅隆早期设计的终结者草图就与亨利克森很相似,因为最初的设计理念是终结者的形象很平常,在人群中一点不扎眼。后来亨利克森在片中扮演了瓦科维奇警官。 阿诺·施瓦辛格在片中只有17句台词。 科幻作家哈兰·埃里森( Harlan Ellison ...
242 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 给大家分享一件有趣的事
2016-11-5 12:37
个人分类: 分享|242 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 The war damage version has been completed again
2016-10-16 16:59
War loss version has been completed again, welcome to download!
个人分类: 人物mod|209 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 one question
2016-10-15 08:09
one question
I do not know what kind of posture you like? Please select one, is 1 or 2. (Because it is relatively simple, 2 has been done, is finishing the amendment, 1 in the GTABBS seen)
个人分类: 人物mod|218 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Terminator loss of war delay
2016-9-21 20:19
Sorry, the original war loss version has been made to complete 90 percent, but because of my hand cheap, the file is deleted, all modules must be re-produced. Also hope that an altar friend to me a motion modifier, I hope to make a motorized gun action compensation for everyone.
个人分类: 人物mod|166 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 New reports
2016-9-18 20:57
Because just to pcgta soon, so do not announce the real name, I used to use the big nickname - Al Baker. I will continue to update on the Terminator of the human resources, if any friends who want an altar currently there is no terminator resources, I can help it to produce (as far as possible). Fi ...
个人分类: 人物mod|130 次阅读|0 个评论


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